Success Stories

“It was completely impossible before,
but now I can do it”

– Michael Würst

Diagnosed with prostate cancer

Michael’s story began when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had his prostate surgically removed. Like many others, this resulted in total loss of erectile function. In Michael’s case, the only treatment that worked was 10 mg Caverject when his wife and him wanted to have intercourse. The inconvenience of using Caverject is planning every intimate moment with your partner causing loss of sexual spontaneity.

As a result of that, Michael’s life quality was affected, it made him feel frustrated, and with a feeling of being “less of a man”.

Michael started to look more into other solutions and seek for information.

He watched on TV an interview where Søren Sheikh talked about his clinical trial here a new stem cell treatment cures erectile dysfunction.

From the beginning, Michael felt sure that the treatment was the right choice for him and could fulfill his expectations of a ‘more normal’ sex life.

During the one-day treatment, Michael only experienced minor pain in his stomach due to the liposuction required to harvest the stem cells. In general, the effect of treatment starts after 5-6 months post-injection. When the treatment worked for Michael, he completely recovered the spontaneity in his sexual life and the treatment has made Michael a happier person.

“You become a happier person, when you can have a completely normal life”

Michael Würst

We offer an effective treatment based on science and technology

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