The cure is in your cells

Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide.

Our current focus is on patient’s who have a history of prostate cancer.

Why choose us?

Our extensive experience understanding stem cell regenerative potential allows us to offer you a therapy with proven effects. Our procedure is safe, effective and approved for erectile dysfunction.

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Our therapy

The process involves extracting a small amount of fat tissue from the patient’s body, followed by an isolation of the stem cells. Thereafter, they will be injected directly into the penile tissue allowing them to regenerate defective tissue.

Read more about Our Treatment

Treatment process



Book a video pre-consultation with a Nordic Stem Cell doctor to talk about your elegibility.


Book treatment

After getting our approval, we will arrange a suitable date for your treatment.


Get treatment

One day treatment, where we isolate your stem cells and give them back to you.



We will take care of you after the treatment and  monitor you with a digital follow-up for a year.

Michael Würst testimonial, a former patient

Michael’s story began when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had his prostate surgically removed. Like many others, this resulted in total loss of erectile function.

After our treatment, he was able to regain his erectil function. In his own words: “…all of a sudden it worked; I still remember the exact date….”


Frequently Asked Questions

About Nordic Stem Cell
About Our Treatment
Practical Information

Is it for you?

Are you eligible for treatment?

Book your pre-consultation

When booking a pre-consultation you can choose the time and date for a thorough talk with one of our doctors about your condition and the treatment possibilities.