At Nordic Stem Cell ApS, Ole Maaløes Vej 3,3, 2200 Copenhagen N, CVR no. 44048434 (“Blue Cell” or “we”), we understand the importance of processing personal data in a respectful and secure manner.

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) is intended for visitors to our website ( (“Website”) as well as customers who make a purchase for a consultation via our Website or decide to contact us for questions or customer support regarding the Website. Being a Danish company, we are committed to comply with the require-ments and obligations relating to the processing of personal data under applicable law, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We have therefore implemented appropriate procedures to protect your personal data.

Blue Cell is the data controller for the processing of your personal data collected in connection with this Website. This Privacy Policy provides an overview of our processing activities, including the purposes and legal basis of the processing. If you have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to exercise your rights under Chapter III of the GDPR as further described in Section 6 of this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the contact details included in Section 7 of this Privacy Policy.


Blue Cell will process your personal data as described below:


When you visit our Website, we will process personal data about you collected via cookies, such as browser information, IP address, where you click and time spent on the Website.

We use personal data collected via cookies for statistics, including to ana-lyze our traffic. You can read more about our use of cookies in our Cookie Policy

When we process your personal data through cookies, we will do this based on Article 6 (1) (f). Blue Cell has legitimate in-terests in providing a Website that works in an optimal way for our clients.

Booking of consultation

When you book a consultation via our Website, we will process booking information such as your name, email address, phone number, the booked time slot. Even though we do not actively collect health infor-mation from you via our Website we might be able to deduct your health data, i.e. information that you might suffer from or experi-ence challenges concerning erec-tile dysfunction because you book a consultation.

The purpose is to be able to administer your booking so we can facilitate a consultation and provide you with our services. The consultations you book will take place via our APP Nordic Stemcell (the “App”) and will be subject to our sepa-rate terms and privacy policy on the App [LINK will be updated]. This Web-site Privacy Policy only relates to the consultation booking as described herein and does not cover the activi-ties which take place in the App (i.e. the performance of the consultations)

We will process data regarding your book-ing information based on your consent, cf. Article 6 (1) (a) and 9 (2) (a). Consenting is completely voluntary, how-ever, if you do not consent you are not able to book a consultation with us. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting Blue Cell. Withdrawal of your consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


When you pay for your consultation, we will process your personal data, such as your name, address, country, email address, bank and payment details and information about your purchase.

The purpose of this processing is to process your order and handle payment.

The legal basis for the processing of your ordinary personal data is the GDPR Article 6(1)(b). This is because the processing is necessary for the performance of a con-tract to which you are party to (or in order to take steps at your request prior to en-tering into a contract). In certain cases, the processing of your ordinary personal data is necessary to com-ply with a legal obligation imposed on Blue Cell, for example in connection with the storage of accounting records under the Danish Bookkeeping Act. In such cases, the legal basis is the GDPR Article 6(1)(c).

Inquiries and customer support 

If you contact us regarding questions about this Website, we will process the personal data you provide us with to handle your in-quiry. This will typically be your name, telephone number, email address, and the contents of your inquiry.

We will process this data for the pur-pose of assisting you and providing you with relevant answers to the ques-tions you may have, e.g. regarding the payment flow or similar.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is Blue Cell’s legitimate in-terests in providing customer service and developing our business, which, in Blue Cell’s view, are not overridden by your fun-damental rights and freedoms as provided in the GDPR Article 6(1)(f). If the inquiry relates to your purchase or our service, the legal basis may also be Article 6 (1) (b).


The personal data will be collected directly from you, e.g. when you contact us or make a purchase on our Website. If you accept the use of cookies, we will obtain personal data through use of such cookies.


Your personal data will be processed by certain third parties (data processors), among them the provider of the technical solution behind our Website. These IT providers will act solely on Blue Cell’s behalf and in accordance with our instructions and the obligations laid down in the data processing agreement concluded. These data pro-cessors may not process your personal data for their own purposes.

Specifically for bank and payment details, all payment transactions made on the Website are processed by a third-party payment provider. Blue Cell will not store your payment details but will – for fraud prevention – have access to parts of the information, such as payment card type, partially anonymized card number and expiry date.

We may also compile and anonymize personal data and share this with our group companies such as Blue Cell Therapeutics ApS for analysis and statistical purposes


Personal data collected by Blue Cell via cookies during visits to our Website are stored for different periods of time depend-ing on the type and purpose of the cookie. For details, please see our Cookie Policy 

We will delete information about your consultation booking details at the latest 1 year after the consultation has taken place.

If your personal data are included in Blue Cell’s accounting records, e.g., in connection with invoicing relating to a purchase, your data will be stored for five years from the end of the financial year to which the accounting records relate. This is to ensure compliance with our legal obligations under the Danish Bookkeeping Act.

Inquiries from potential customers will be deleted immediately after the inquiry is resolved. Inquiries from existing customers will be deleted two years after termination of the contractual relationship, unless a longer retention period is required for documentation purposes, e.g., to a dispute, including for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.


We have taken a number of measures to protect your personal data and safeguard your rights. Because of our processing of personal data about you, you will have the rights described below. However, some rights apply only in certain circumstances and with exceptions. The Danish Data Protection Agency has issued guidance on the rights of data subjects. For details about your rights, please see here (available in Danish).

  • You have the right to request access to, and receive a copy of, the personal data that we are processing about you and, in this context, also to receive a range of additional information.
  • You have a right to have incorrect personal data about yourself rectified and to have incomplete personal data completed.
  • You have the right to request that personal data about you be deleted in certain circumstances, e.g., if processing is based on your consent and you choose to withdraw that consent.
  • You have a right to have the processing of your personal data restricted, e.g., if the accuracy of the per-sonal data is contested.
  • Where our processing is done automatically and is based on your consent or the performance of an agree-ment with you, you have the right to request to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to request the transmission, where tech-nically feasible, of such data to another controller.
  • You may object to our processing of your personal data, including in particular in relation to direct market-ing.
  • You may request not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.
  • You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the processing of your personal data that took place before the date of withdrawal.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, or if you wish to withdraw your consent, please feel free to contact us using the contact details below.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or if you disagree with the way we process personal data about you, please contact Nordic Stem Cell at 

You may also file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, using the contact details that are available here. However, we hope that you will contact us first, so that we may try to come to an agreement.


This Privacy Policy is regularly updated and amended, including as required on account of changes to statutes, practices and rules and regulations on the data protection area. Therefore, you are advised to stay up-to-date on the contents of this Privacy Policy at all times.

Last changed: 13 March 2024