Frequently Asked Questions

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About Nordic Stem Cell

What is Nordic Stem Cell?

Nordic Stem Cell is a medical facility specializing in stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction. We offer safe and effective treatment, to help men regain erectile function. Hereby improving their sexual health and overall quality of life.

Why is the treatment in Costa Rica?

We offer stem cell treatment only at our clinic in Costa Rica.
Our clinic is located in Costa Rica because the country has emerged as a leader in stem cell medicine. Thanks to its progressive regulations, cutting-edge research and top-notch medical facilities it makes the perfect spot for offering stem cell treatment.

About Our Treatment

Why do problems with erection occur?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition, in which a man repeatedly or consistently cannot achieve or maintain an erection (that is sufficient for sexual performance). ED is caused by a dysfunction at the cellular level, which can lead to problems with blood flow to the penile area. There are several causes of ED, including diseases like hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Lifestyle factors like smoking and drinking can also have a big impact. ED can in some cases have a psychological cause. Age is a significant risk factor, with more than 50% of men over 60 years of age, experiencing occasional erectile problems.

Why choose a surgical option?

Stem cell therapy is considered a minimally invasive procedure, rather than a traditional surgical option. It may be suitable for patients, who do not respond well to oral medications. The treatment addresses the underlying causes of ED, rather than managing the symptoms.

How does stem cell therapy work for erectile dysfunction?

The treatment uses stem cells to repair damaged tissue in the penis. From your own abdominal fat tissue, the stem cells are isolated and injected back into the penis. Stem cells will improve blood flow and tissue regeneration in the area, where they are applied.

Is stem cell treatment safe?

Yes, stem cell treatment using one’s own stem cells is proven safe. This is documented in many international medical trials.

How long does the treatment take?

Liposuction, isolation of the stem cells and injection will require a whole day. There will be additional consultations and tests required beforehand, as well as a period of recovery afterwards.

Is the treatment painful?

Most patients report minimal discomfort during the stem cell treatment. There can be local discomfort and pain relating to the area of the liposuction, but no more than can be managed with mild pain medication.

What are my chances of success?

Our clinical study has shown a 73% success rate in restoring erectile function in urine continent men. However, individual results may vary, and the effectiveness of the treatment depends on factors such as age, overall health, and the severity of erectile dysfunction.

How long does it take to see treatment results?

Results from stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction can vary depending on the individual patient and the severity of their condition. Most patients will see full results from 6 to 12 months after the injection.

How safe is our procedure?

At Nordic Stem Cell, we use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment as well as experienced doctors. This ensures the highest level of safety and efficacy for our patients.

Our stem cell therapy for erectile dysfuntion is a safe procedure utilizing the patient’s own stem cells. We take great care to ensure that the cells remain in a sterile environment throughout the process. This prevents infections or other complications after reinjection. 

During clinical trials, only minor side effects were reported, mainly related to abdominal discomfort after liposuction and temporary redness and swelling at the injection sites. No patients reported discomfort one month or later after treatment.

How is our procedure?

The liposuction is necessary for harvesting fat tissue, from which we will extract your stem cells. The stem cells are isolated from the fat tissue and can be injected after approximately 2-3 hours. A local anesthetic will be placed before re-injecting the stem cells. After that, your procedure is finished and you will have time to recover comfortably in our clinic.

What if it does not work?

We acknowledge that not every treatment works for every patient, and in some cases, results may be less than expected. In the unlikely event, that our stem cell treatment does not show the desired results after 12 months, we encourage you to contact your urologist for alternative possibilities. 

Are there any side effects?

Side effects from stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction are generally mild and temporary. Some patients may experience light abdominal discomfort after liposuction, or temporary redness, and swelling at the injection sites. No significant discomfort has been reported one month or later after the procedure.

Practical Information

What do I need to know regarding travelling to Costa Rica?

We provide guidance regarding travel arrangements and accommodations for our patients. We will do our outmost to make the process as smooth and convenient as possible.

How do I schedule a pre-consultation?

You can schedule a pre-consultation on our website. Fill in your contact information, make the payment, and book pre-consultation in the online calendar. You will receive a confirmation email with guidance on how to download our app. The pre-consultation will be done using the app.

Will insurance cover the cost of the treatment?

This will depend on your insurance policy. Contact your insurance company to find out if there is coverage.

How much does it cost?

The pre-consultation costs 1.200 USD.
If you are eligible for the treatment the cost is 18.800 USD.

How is the follow-up after treatment?

We provide a digital 12-month follow-up plan using our app. The app includes relevant questionnaires and supplemental information in a timely manner supporting the patient before and after treatment. Patients are able to use the app to get in contact with us with any concerns or questions they may have after and before the treatment.

Is the transport in Costa Rica covered?

Upon your arrival to Costa Rica, our private driver will ensure your transport from the airport to your hotel. Additionally, all transportation between the hotel and the clinic, and vice versa, will be efficiently managed by our driver. As you depart from Costa Rica, the driver will safely transport you to the airport.