Nordic Stem Cell

Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Who are we?

At Nordic Stem Cell, our team of experts have developed a cutting-edge treatment that utilizes your own stem cells to promote regeneration of tissue and improve blood flow into the penis.

Our treatment has shown positive results in phase one clinical trial, with prostectomized patients regaining erectile function and experiencing enhanced sexual satisfaction.

A responsible use of stem cell technology has the potential to revolutionize and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

Our commitment and mission

We are committed to staying at the forefront of this field and continuously improving our treatment to provide the most effective and ethical care for our patients. 

Our mission is to provide men with a safe, effective and long-lasting solution that restores sexual function and enhances their overall quality of life.

Our story begins…

A phase one trial utilizing adipose derived regenerative cells (ADRC’s) to address erectile dysfunction following prostate cancer surgery was approved by the Danish Medicine Agency in 2016.

The trial outcome was promising, with 72% of participants experiencing a restoration of erectile function and the ability to engage in sexual activity.

This was the start of our mission to bring a new stem cell treatment to patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.


Through extensive research and the success of the initial clinical trial, Nordic Stem Cell has emerged as an option for individuals seeking effective solutions for erectile dysfunction.

Nordic Stem Cell was founded to give men around the world with erectile dysfunction the possibility of getting treatment with their own stem cells.


A New Era of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Recent advancements in stem cell therapy have opened new possibilities for erectile dysfunction treatment and Nordic Stem Cell is at the forefront of this new era.

Nordic Stem Cell offers hope for men who struggle with erectile dysfunction. Our founder, Søren Sheikh, explains who we are and our stem cell treatment in the following video.

Costa Rica

Our clinic is situated in Costa Rica because the country has emerged as a leader in stem cell medicine, thanks to its progressive regulations, cutting-edge research and top-notch medical facilities. Costa Rica’s medical community has been actively involved in research and treating patients with stem cell therapies, attracting highly skilled medical professionals and fostering an environment where breakthroughs in regenerative medicine can thrive.

Costa Rica´s medical community has been doing research and treating patients with stem cells for more than 50 years. Regenerative therapies are approved by the government. Moreover, Costa Rica is well known for health tourism with a fully developed infrastructure, so people can combine tourism and high-standard healthcare.

Meet our team

Our team represents a diverse group of highly educated professionals from around the world. This international team includes doctors, healthcare personnel, laboratory technicians and administrative staff, all dedicated to provide you with the best treatment. Our staff are proficient in both English and Spanish, ready to provide guidance and support throughout your journey with us in Costa Rica.

Nordic Stem Cell is strategically located in Avenida Escazu, placing us in the heart of the private medical sector of San José. This prime location fosters close proximity and seamless collaboration with our partners, ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated approach to your treatment.

Our partners

Our collaborative efforts extend across academia, industry and the health sector.